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Writer's picture: Jhon Mark BlayJhon Mark Blay

Updated: Apr 8, 2022

It's hard learning how to draw perfectly, but that doesn't stop me from trying and trying. "Practice makes Perfect" they say, but for me it's more like 'Practice makes Progress' because I can't ask for perfection right away without making any progress. I don't strive to become perfect because that will only make things harder for me, I practice really hard so I can make progress and I can see that I'm learning. It's great to set a goal for perfection because it can be achieved through practicing everyday,and it will be an inspiration to strive for the best and make progress along the way. My journey as an artist taught me that behind every magnificent and wonderful artworks is progress in talent. We all have that specific talent within us, we just need to discover it for ourselves, make progress, and see where it will bring us. So don't force yourself to be perfect at your first time, you're going to fail so kpmany times before you become good at it. You'll have hundreds of bad skecthes but after that will make everything worth trying for.

One more tip for a beginner artist like you is that you shouldn't ask for more than a pencil, a paper, and an eraser to practice with. There are no such good pencils to make a good artwork. It's all within the talent that comes from practicing. Be contented to what you have right now because it's more exciting and fun to learn how to draw when you know you started from scratch. When you ask for multiple pencils or other art materials to prwctice drawing, it will in fact give you the satisfaction that you have the right things for the job, but in return it will decrease your passion with it. It doesn't apply to everybody, but most artist struggle with this. When an artist have the right materials for drawing, the time he/she will spend on drawing will become less and less because the passion was lost. You're gonna be happy with it by the start of your journey, but as times go by and as your art materials increase, the time and passion for art will de-escalate. I'm speaking by experience. At first, all I have is two graphite pencils, 6H and 8B (the lightest and darkest), coupon bonds, and eraser. I made a lot of sketches with it, some are good and some are half as good. But when I got skecth pads, drawing set with complete materials, and so much more art mats, my artworks got less and less because I became too busy even if I don't have something to do. I often loss my passion with it because now that I got all the things I need, I thought I won't be needing any more practices. I got everything, now I post the passion. So that's why you've gotta earn what you want by not asking for too much and expecting yourself to be the same person after you've got it. I'm not saying you shouldn't have things more than what I mentioned above, because it's really great to have so many materials to choose from, but what I'm saying is, when you can't afford to buy those yet...focus on what you have right now and use that to create a bridge to your future where you can use your talent to get those art materials you want. Having a goal is important in this matter.

Here are some of my artworks I've made throughout my journey:

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